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dc.contributor.authorСерый, А. И.
dc.identifier.citationSery, A.I. To the problem of the contribution of spin-polarized protons to Baryshevsky–Luboshits effect / A.I. Sery // Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications : Proceedings of the Twenty nine Anniversary Seminar NPCS’2022, Minsk, June 21-24, 2022 = Нелинейная динамика и приложения : труды XXIX Международного семинара, Минск, 21-24 июня 2022 г. / редкол.: В. А. Шапоров [и др.]; под ред. В. А. Шапорова, А. Г. Трифонова; Объединенный институт энергетических и ядерных исследований – «Сосны» НАН Беларуси. – Минск : Право и экономика, 2022. – 486 c. – С. 386–390.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractBaryshevsky-Luboshits effect is possible not for spin polarized electrons only. A similar possible effect is predicted for spin polarized protons. The general structure of the formula for the angle of rotation of the plane of polarization of a photon moving among spin polarized protons depends on the difference of Compton scattering cross sections for the same and opposite spin directions of a photon and a proton. The contribution is obtained to such a formula depending on the integral of the difference of the corresponding cross sections. The final formula contains terms with double, triple and quadruple integrals. The problem is of interest for astrophysics because the possibility of spin polarization of protons is predicted for some types of stars (white dwarfs, Supernovae of type II), and if leads to the problem of the contribution of protons to Baryshevsky–Luboshits effect in comparison with spin polarized electrons.en
dc.publisherМинск: Право и экономикаru_RU
dc.subjectBaryshevsky–Luboshits effecten
dc.subjectCompton forward scattering amplitudesen
dc.subjectspin polarization of protonsen
dc.subjectwhite dwarfsen
dc.subjectSupernovae II explosionsen
dc.titleTo the problem of the contribution of spin-polarized protons to Baryshevsky–Luboshits effecten

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