Отображаемые элементы 41-60 из 124

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      Mineralogy of fossil resins in Northern Eurasia 

      Богдасаров, Максим Альбертович (2007)
      The investigation is focused on identification and origin of fossil resins from the Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Quaternary sediments of Northern Eurasia on the basis of detailed study of their physical and chemical ...
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      Middle Pleistocene deposits at Rechitsa, western Belarus, and their input to MIS 12-6 stratigraphy in central Europe 

      Leszek Marks; Barbara Woronko; Aleksandra Majecka; Tatyana Rylova; Anna Orłowska; Гречаник, Николай Федорович; Joanna Rychel; Łukasz Zbucki; Богдасаров, Максим Альбертович; Грядунова, Оксана Ивановна; Jerzy Nitychoruk; Łukasz Nowacki; Katarzyna Pochocka-Szwarc (2020)
      A correlation of stratigraphic subdivisions of the late Middle Pleistocene (MIS 12-6) in central Europe is extremely difficult, because of abundant hiatuses. Therefore, the site Rechitsa in western Belarus is extremely ...
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      Revised limit of the Saalian ice sheet in central Europe 

      Leszek Marks; Alexandr Karabanov; Jerzy Nitychoruk; Богдасаров, Максим Альбертович; Tomasz Krzywicki; Aleksandra Majecka; Katarzyna Pochocka-Szwarc; Joanna Rychel; Barbara Woronk; Łukasz Zbucki; Грядунова, Оксана Ивановна; Гречаник, Николай Федорович; Sergey Mamchyk; Tatyana Rylova; Łukasz Nowacki; Monika Pielach (2018)
      Geological investigations in the southern part of the Polish-Belarusian cross-border area were focused on correlation of main Middle Pleistocene stratigraphic units and on extent of the ice sheet of the Saalian Glaciation. ...
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      Structural geological mapping of the Cenozoic sediments of the Brest region using GIS technologies 

      Маевская, Анна Николаевна; Шешко, Николай Николаевич; Шпендик, Наталья Николаевна; Богдасаров, Максим Альбертович (2020)
      Cenozoic sediments of the territory of the Brest region is the object of research in this work. The aim of this work is to detail the structure of the Cenozoic stratigraphic deposits by creating a set of structural ...
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      Features of technogenic morphogenesis on the territory of south-western Belarus 

      Кухарик, Евгений Александрович; Богдасаров, Максим Альбертович; Гречаник, Николай Федорович; Матвеев, А.В. (2020)
      The classification of modern technogenic relief with the identification of its types, subtypes and forms is substantiated for the territory of southwestern Belarus. Information about the types of impact on the geological ...
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      The Geological-Evolutional Concept of Resin Genesis 

      Богдасаров, Максим Альбертович; Georgii I. Rudko (2018)
      Geological and evolutionary concept of the genesis of fossil resins: Fossil resins are a special group of natural organic compounds. The work is devoted to the determination of special features of formation, distribution, ...
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      Intrathoracic negative pressure therapy and/or endobronchial valve for pleural empyema minimal invasive management: case series of thirteen patients and review of the literature 

      Panko, Siarhei; Vakulich, Denis; Karpitski, Aliaksandr; Zhurbenka, Henadzi; Shestiuk, Andre; Boufalik, Rostislav; r Ihnatsiuk, Aliaksand (Kielce (Poland), 2020)
      Introduction: Intrathoracic negative pressure therapy is an adjunct to standard methods of complex empyema management in debilitated patients. Nevertheless, the use of endoscopic one-way endobronchial valves to ...
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      Протоколы паспортизации еврейского населения как статистический источник по истории брестского гетто 

      Розенблат, Евгений Семенович (УрФУ, 2016)
      В статье раскрывается значение использования массовых источников периода немецко-фашистской оккупации для получения данных о социально-демографической структуре еврейского населения г. Бреста накануне Великой Отечественной ...
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      Oт maximal subgroup of a finite solvable subgroup 

      Грицук, Д.В.; Монахов, В.С. (EURASIAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, 2012)
      Let H be a non-normal maximal subgroup of a finite solvable group G, and let q ∈ π(F (H/CoreGH)). It is proved that G has a Sylow q-subgroup Q such that NG(Q) ⊆ H.
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      Smart technology integration into EFL teaching at the non-linguistic higher school 

      Тарасевич, Наталья Анатольевна (XLinguae European Scientific Language Journal, 2018-01)
      This paper considers the investigation of smart technology integration into EFL teaching and assessment at the non-linguistic higher school. The purpose of the paper is to develop, theoretically substantiate and assess ...
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      Историография и новые источники о роспуске компартии Западной Беларуси 

      Савич, Александр Аляксандрович (Вестник СПбГУ, 2020)
      В статье исследуется белорусская историография роспуска компартии Западной Бела- руси как составной части компартии Польши в 1938 г. решением Исполкома Коминтер- на в связи с подозрением в проникновении в них вражеской ...
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      Конечные группы с формационно субнормальными примарными подгруппами 

      Сохор, Ирина Леонидовна; Монахов, Виктор Степанович (2017)
      Для произвольной насыщенной наследственной формации F, содержащей все нильпотентные группы, получено описание конечных разрешимых групп, в которых каждая примарная подгруппа самонормализуема или F-субнормальна.
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      On groups with biprimary subgroups of even order 

      Sokhor, Irina Leonidovna; Monakhov, Victor Stepanovich; Сохор, Ирина Леонидовна (2017)
      We investigate groups in which maximal subgroups of even order are primary or biprimary. We also research soluble groups with restriction on a number of prime devisors of some proper subgroup orders. We give applications ...
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      Finite groups with restrictions on normal subgroups 

      Sokhor, Irina Leonidovna; Monakhov, Victor Stepanovich; Сохор, Ирина Леонидовна (2016)
      We investigate the structure of finite soluble groups all whose proper normal subgroups belong to some class of groups, namely a Fitting class and the class of all supersoluble groups.
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      Конечные разрешимые группы с нильпотентными широкими подгруппами 

      Сохор, Ирина Леонидовна; Монахов, Виктор Степанович (2016)
      A subgroup H of a finite group G is called wide if each prime divisor of the order of G divides the order of H. We obtain a description of finite solvable groups without wide subgroups. It is shown that a finite solvable ...
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      On Boundary Value Problems for First-Order Elliptic Pseudosymmetric Systems in R^4 

      Басик, Александр Иванович; Усс, Анатолий Терентьевич; Basik, A.I.; Uss, A.T. (Differential Equations, 2003)
      It is proved that there are no regularizing boundary-value problem for pseudo-symmetric elliptic systems of four equations of the first order in R^4.
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      Finite groups with two supersoluble subgroups 

      Monakhov, Victor; Trofimuk, Alexander (de Gruyter, 2019)
      Let G be a finite group. In this paper we obtain some sufficient conditions for the supersolubility of G with two supersoluble non-conjugate subgroups H and K of prime index, not necessarily distinct. It is established ...
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      On the residual of a finite group with semi-subnormal subgroups 

      Trofimuk, Alexander (2020)
      A subgroup A of a group G is called seminormal in G, if there exists a subgroup B such that G = AB and AX is a subgroup of G for every subgroup X of B. We introduce the new concept that unites subnormality and seminormality. A ...
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      Solvable groups with restrictions on Sylow subgroups of the Fitting subgroup 

      Trofimuk, Alexander (World Scientific Publishing Company, 2016)
      In this paper, we study solvable groups in which rn(F) is at most 2. In particular, we investigated groups of odd order and A4-free groups with this property. Exact estimations of the derived length and nilpotent length ...
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      Supersolubility of a finite group with normally embedded maximal subgroups in Sylow subgroups 

      Monakhov, Victor; Trofimuk, Alexander (Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.,, 2018)
      A subgroup A is called seminormal in a group G if there exists a subgroup B such that G = AB and AX is a subgroup of G for every subgroup X of B. Studying a group of the form G = AB with seminormal supersoluble subgroups ...