Influence of rare-earth doping on the structural and dielectric properties of orthoferrite La0.50R0.50FeO3 ceramics synthesized under high pressure
Makoed, I. I.
Liedienov, N. A.
Pashchenko, A. V.
Levchenko, G. G.
Tatarchuk, D. D.
Didenko, Y. V.
Amirov, A. A.
Rimski, G. S.
Yanushkevich, K. I.
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The effect of co-doping on the structural and dielectric properties of the La0.50R0.50FeO3 orthoferrites for a
full number of substitutions (R ј CeeLu) has been experimentally and theoretically studied using X-ray
diffraction, SEM, EDS, and dielectric spectroscopy methods. The La0.50R0.50FeO3 ceramics with R ј Nd,
Sm, Gd, Dy, and Er, prepared by a solid-state reaction method under cold pressing at high pressure
P ј 4 GPa, have been taken as a basis. Structural parameters in the La0.50R0.50FeO3 orthoferrites have been
obtained using Rietveld refinement of X-ray experimental data with their further approximation by
linear dependence. Monotonic change in crystal lattice parameters, orthorhombic distortion degree,
global instability index, and Goldschmidt tolerance factor have been observed for all samples doped by
different R-cations. With increase in the radius of R-cation, a growth in an average grain size has been
detected. The investigation of dielectric properties in a wide frequency range of 10А1e1010 Hz and their
theoretical description with determining main mechanisms of dielectric polarization made it possible to
establish regularities among a type of doping R-cation, crystal-chemical parameters and dielectric
properties. The studied ceramic La0.50R0.50FeO3 samples demonstrate colossal dielectric constant ~ 104
and relatively small dielectric loss tangent in a low-frequency range. The obtained results can be useful
for further application of orthoferrite-based materials as sensor and switching devices.