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dc.contributor.authorTarasyuk, A.
dc.identifier.citationTarasyuk, A. Estimation of the genetic activity of heavy metal salts on changing of recombination parameters in drosophila / A. Tarasyuk / Вісник Львівського університету. Серія біологічна. – 2014. – Випуск 66. – С. 112-119.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractThe effect of various concentrations of heavy metals salts (lead and mercury nitrates) on recombination parameters in drosophila is studied. It was demonstrated that these compounds have genetic activity and increase the crossing-over frequency in zone y-v of chromosome 1 (X) of drosophila, reduce its variability, as well as induce a double crossing-over.ru_RU
dc.publisherЛьвов : Издательство Львовского университетаru_RU
dc.subjectDrosophila, genetic activity, heavy metals, lead and mercury nitrate, recombination parameters, crossing-over frequencyru_RU
dc.titleEstimation of the genetic activity of heavy metal salts on changing of recombination parameters in drosophilaru_RU

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