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      Middle Pleistocene deposits at Rechitsa, western Belarus, and their input to MIS 12-6 stratigraphy in central Europe 

      Leszek Marks; Barbara Woronko; Aleksandra Majecka; Tatyana Rylova; Anna Orłowska; Гречаник, Николай Федорович; Joanna Rychel; Łukasz Zbucki; Богдасаров, Максим Альбертович; Грядунова, Оксана Ивановна; Jerzy Nitychoruk; Łukasz Nowacki; Katarzyna Pochocka-Szwarc (2020)
      A correlation of stratigraphic subdivisions of the late Middle Pleistocene (MIS 12-6) in central Europe is extremely difficult, because of abundant hiatuses. Therefore, the site Rechitsa in western Belarus is extremely ...