Sport a społeczeństwo: kapitał społeczny i kulturowy – wybrane zagadnienia
Modern sports in system of social relations of a society take an exclusive place. It is connected
with a number of specific functions which are inherent in it. Formally sports are focused on humanistic values,
however practice of human activity in this sphere quite often shows absolutely other approaches. The society as
a whole tolerantly enough accepts various deviations in sports which are based on violence, racism, xenophobia,
religious intolerance. Formation of the human capital with necessity includes similar tendencies, that, finally,
leads to unpredictable consequences. Sports substantially influence now process of change of the essence of the
human and cultural capital. Negative results of sports activity in many cases create danger in relations between
representatives of different nationalities. Sports cause from time to time social pressure, raise negative emotions
and inspire deviate behaviour. The largest sports competitions practically are always connected with the raised
risk of social confrontation.